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Home Reno Challenge – Week 3

Week 3…WHAT???  How is it that we are halfway through the Jeffrey Court Challenge already?  HOLLA!!! We are knee-deep in renovations, okay maybe neck-deep in renovations, realistically, and this room is going to be done before you know it.  You can revisit Week 2 right here.

This was an exciting week because the tile was delivered and I can finally reveal what design we chose. Are you ready?  Drum roll, please…

This is the Jeffrey Court Emblem design.  You can read all the deets about it right here.  When I was picking out the tile, I wanted to bring a bit of elegance to my boho farmhouse idea and this is really going to soften the massive fireplace and turn that elephant in the room into a sweet little kitty cat, sweet but fierce.  This week begins the installation of the tile so be sure and check back to see progress.   Let’s take another look.

BOOM!  Can you say BEE-YOU-TEE-FULL?

In the meantime, there are so many other things to do.  I recruited the Mister to help with installing the shutters and I cannot tell you what a HUGE difference it makes in the room aready.  I couldn’t believe that even before the walls were painted, the shutters were like a breath of fresh air.  We chose ours from Blinds Galore.  They are actually a poly-resin and not wood and we couldn’t be happier with our selection.


What do you think?


Next up is PAINT!  I talked last week about how picking the right color can be so daunting, you can read all about that right here, but I am happy to announce that Sherwin Williams Light French Gray 0055 is the winner. It pairs PERFECTLY with the Jeffrey Court Tile just like a fine wine with dinner.

The painting part of the project was completed this past week,  expect for a small piece of the ceiling that the hubby will have to complete because my little arms can’t reach.  I mean WOW, what a difference.  The light, fresh mood of the room already is feeling like a tranquil retreat.   I found that painting around all the “stuff” in the room can prove to be a challenge, but there’s no better time than now to unload ALL.THE.THINGS that I don’t need and SIMPLIFY.  That dog bed in and of itself is a HUGE challenge to work around.  (NOTE TO SELF:  Sweet talk hubby into taking the dog bed down this week.). I mean, REALLY, my Mister’s motto is “go big or go home” and he wasn’t holding anything back when he built this.

So, all in all, it’s been a great week of progress.  All the “extras” like bedding, lamps and wall décor have been picked out and ordered. That will be the icing on the cake that brings it all together.

Thanks for stopping by. Come back next week as we do a step by step tutorial on the tile install and how you can do it too.  Don’t forget to vote right here.


Over and out!