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Candleholder Centerpiece

When it comes to creating a fall table candleholder centerpiece, I like to bring the outdoors in. By using what nature has to offer, it makes designing a table easy and affordable.

The Idea

The idea for this project first came about when my friend, Kelley, from Instagram and I decided to do a project together. We wanted to make hunky chunky candleholder centerpieces that would really make a statement.

Starting with a large piece of wood, nature was definitely going to take center stage here and that’s when the project took off.

Picking the Perfect Piece

Now, actually picking the perfect piece of wood for the candleholder centerpiece took a minute or two. I knew I wanted something with a raw, natural edge, but I first had to decide on the width and length of the candleholder I envisioned to determine what wood to use. Then, it would, also, depend on our wood pile and what was available. I wanted to repurpose something that we already had.


It didn’t take long for me to look through the pile. I saw a piece of cedar that my hubby had just cut down off our new property a week earlier and I immediately said, “Jackpot.”

Cutting to Size

Luckily, Hubby did all the hard things like cutting off the edges of the log and planing it down to the size I wanted. After that, I got to fire up the drill press and drill the holes that would hold the candles. However, if you don’t have access to a drill press, these same attachments will fit right into a regular hand-held drill.

Next, decide how many candles you want for your candleholder centerpiece and measure them out prior to cutting. I did 18 candles at 2 inches apart.

Placing the Candles

Now, this is the easy part. If you used the correct drill attachment, your candles should fit right in. However, if they are a little loose, solve the problem by dripping a few drops of hot candle wax into the holes before placing the candles and they will mold snuggly in. If you’re looking for some candles, I used these right here.


Lastly, light the candles and embellish the centerpiece with your favorite stems right outside your front door. You can even add a few tiny pumpkins for fall.

One Last Thing…

Remember in the beginning when I told you I was collaborating with a friend on this project? Well, let me show you Kelley’s take on the same candleholder centerpiece idea.

Isn’t that spectacular? You can follow Kelley and all of her amazing DIY projects and her sense of humor that always tickles my funny bone right here on Instagram.

Hey, and guess what. We will be restyling these for Christmas, too, so come on back.