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The Power Of Color

Whenever I want to make subtle changes to my home decor, the first thing that comes to mind is to add something colorful.  Now, whether that’s something as small as new pillows for the couch or getting out your paint brush and painting a room, the power of color can have a huge impact.

During different seasons, I find myself drawn to different colors.  Do you do that?  Whenever I paint something and ask my husband if he likes it, he always says jokingly, “What difference does it make?  You’ll be tired of that color and on to the next in a year.”  Well, that may be true, but I have found that color is the easiest way to change the look of a room and can affect our emotions.  For instance, does blue make you feel calm and relaxed?  Does yellow give you the warm fuzzies and make you happy?   Color is a powerful communication tool and can definitely impact our mood and emotions.

My go-to color right now is…have you guessed it?  Yellow.  Sherwin Williams Decisively Yellow to be exact.  It’s a color that represents sunshine and happiness for me.  It all started when I painted my front door this spring.  I began getting an overwhelming amount of positive response from neighbors and I thought if it brings a smile to their faces, maybe anyone who drives by the house will see it and smile as well.

Adding a colorful front door wreath can be a great way to add a punch.  For this one, I purchased child-size rain boots here and filled them with flowers.

Once the front door was complete, I loved how it looked so much, I decided to give my she shed a quick door makeover, also.  I then updated my flea-market-find bicycle with a can of teal spray paint.

I love how the door matches the main house and gives the property a cohesive feel.

However, I have’t stopped with just using yellow in the house.  I have mixed in other colors such as green and pink as well.  I like keeping the canvas of my home pretty neutral.  Adding color into the palette is just icing on the cake.

Start Small

Over the years I have tried to conform to what I thought social media was wanting by keeping everything as white as I could, but color kept creeping back in my home and I decided not to fight it any longer.

Start small by making subtle changes to a space with pillows and throws as a budget-friendly way to bring in color and reflect your personality.  It’s a great place to start if you don’t want to make permanent color changes.

Color can definitely evoke certain moods.  Adding a piece of furniture might be the next step for you.  I added this yellow chair to my living room and couldn’t be happier.  I am now thinking I need a matching one.  You can find it right here

So while color can definitely influence how we act and feel, it is definitely a personal preference.  I challenge you to add a small amount of color to your spaces.

What color reflects your personality?