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Oh, Christmas Tree

Whether you’ve already started decorating for Christmas or not, I can almost bet that you’re thinking about it.

How early is too early for you to put up your tree?  There are a lot of arguments on this topic.  Is before Thanksgiving acceptable or should you wait until Black Friday.  If you’re hosting Thanksgiving, then, your turkey should be the star of the show, right, and not your tree?  Well, I used to stay true to this thought, but now that blogging is my full-time job, I know the early bird gets the worm, so to speak,  and I’m here to get you to start thinking about some great alternatives for Christmas tree vessels when you do decide it’s time to put up your tree.  If you want to checkout my Christmas decor last year, you can see it here.


Long gone are the days of just using a Christmas tree skirt to dress the base of your tree.  Tree boxes and scarves and buckets, oh my, are becoming more and more popular and can really kick your tree up a notch.

Tool Caddy


First, start with a good tree.  King of Christmas is a great source for the perfect tree.   Once you have your tree, finding alternatives for the perfect base doesn’t have to be expensive.  In fact, I bet if you shop your house, you’ll be able to find great options right there in your own home.  Some of my favorites are old tool caddies and boxes.  Nothing is off limits.

Mad For Plaid

My “mad for plaid” obsession is still going strong this season.  If you have just a tiny bit of construction skills, thank goodness for my hubby, you can build a wooden box and cover it in your favorite wallpaper like I did here.  An old green trunck made by my late grandfather is the perfect accompaniment to hold a couple of smaller trees.

You’ve Got Mail

One of my absolute favorites to hold a tree that I used last year is this old postal mail carrier.  I spotted it at a Vintage Market Days and snatched it up immediately.  It’s a piece that is often seen around my house holding pillows and blankets, that is until I decided to toss the pillows and blankets aside and let it cradle a tree.  Charlie likes it too.

We All Scream For Ice Cream

Awwww, the hot summer days of sitting on the back porch watching my late father-in-law make his delicious homemade ice cream in this White Mountain ice cream freezer may be long gone, but just because those days are over doesn’t mean the memories have to be.  I have no idea how many batches of ice cream were made in here, more than I could even count, but I love the smile it brings across my face every time I see it and bringing it out at Christmastime just seems right.

Showcase a Collection

I can’t say I am a collector of old suitcases, but I do have a few that have fallen in my lap over the years including the top one here that was given to my mother as a high school graduation gift.  Because Mark and I are such big fans of traveling, I am thinking I really should keep a lookout for them in the future as a homage to our love of travel.  The season and a little creativity gives me an excuse to bring them out of storage for the holidays.

Buckets of Buckets

Photo source – Pinterest

Smaller trees can be housed in old galvanized buckets.

So as you’re putting up your tree this year, I encourage you to think out of the box a little bit when it comes to your tree base.  You don’t have to go to huge extremes but even if you don’t have a box or ice cream freezer, try wrapping your tree stand in an old scarf or your favorite cozy blanket.   You’ll love the look and you’re tree will thank you.