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Gingerbread Christmas Ornaments

The Fragrance of Christmas

The Christmas season really takes on a magnificent fragrance all of its own, wouldn’t you agree?  It’s the combination of baking, mulled cider and fresh pine that fills the air and makes it seem more magical, and these gingerbread cookie ornaments will have your house smelling divine the entire season.

UNFORTUNATELY, these cookies aren’t the edible kind, which Mark wasn’t too happy about, but instead just a recipe for a salt dough that you can transform into these really cute ornaments, so follow along as I show you what you will need.

Gingerbread Cookie Ornaments

2 cups flour

1 cup salt

1 cup water

5 Tablespoons Cinnamon

Preheat oven to 225 degrees

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl, then knead until smooth.

Roll out to your desired thickness.

Line your cookie sheet with parchment paper and bake for 2 to 3 hours or until dry and hard.  The thicker your ornament, the longer it will need to bake.

This recipe makes 15-20 ornaments.

Let’s Begin

After you mix all your ingredients together, start by rolling out the dough.  I promise it won’t look like a brown blob, like this does, forever.

Cut Out Your Shapes

I didn’t have cookie cutters on hand in the shapes that I wanted but Thanks to Pinterest, you can search for a template of the shape that you want and just print them off.  To cut out, just use a sharp knife and trace around the edge. Be sure and make a hole for hanging before they bake.  I used the end of a paint brush for this, but you could use a skewer or anything with a small point.

The hardest part is waiting for them to bake and cool so you can get to the fun part of decorating.  I flipped them over every 30 minutes while they were in the oven for a more even bake. In the meantime, gather up your decorating supplies so you can be ready.

Supplies For Decorating

White Puff Paint


White sugar pearls found in the cake decorating section (these are edible)

The next part is all up to you. Be creative with your own design or simply duplicate what I did.

Hurry Up And Wait Again

Generally the puff paint will take about 4 hours to dry.  I let them set overnight before I finished my project to be sure they were good and dry.

I hung mine on some hemp string and embellished them with some fresh greens, but this is where you get to do your own thing.

So whether you decide to string them together or hang them individually…


…I think you’ll be pleased with the outcome and hopefully you’ll make this a fun project year after year.

Thanks for stopping by.