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Front Porch Makeover

The front porch got a much-needed makeover this past week.  This is a project I have wanted to do for such a long time.   For some unknown reason, a few years ago I had this brilliant idea to paint the porch red.  Yes, RED.  It was a result of scrolling Pinterest way too late one night while no doubt drinking too much wine and coming across a red porch that I though I couldn’t live without.  Well, I learned a very important lesson during this late-night scroll.  You should never make decisions late at night when it involves adult beverages.

However, when I woke up the next morning, it still seemed like a good idea, so I went all in.  I did love it at first.  The shine and color really grabbed my attention.  It exceeded all my expectations and I stood back and  thought to myself, “job well done.”  Well, that was short-lived because the color and finish didn’t hold up.  I used primer and porch paint exactly like the paint store advised, but within a season, it started to wear and chip.  I was disappointed.  The thought of redoing it once again seemed like a daunting task.  So I lived with it for five years and watched as it continued to show its age, kinda like me.

Camouflage It

It was fairly easy to camouflage over the years in photos with rugs or planters for whatever season was upon us.  For me, though, it was always an eyesore.

The Project Begins

So this weekend began the task of sanding and painting.  We rented a big orbital sander and really roughed up the paint.  The gloss from the original red was already pretty much gone, but roughing up the paint would allow for the primer to stick better.  I chose Color 7658 Gray Clouds from Sherwin Williams and, also, had the primer tinted so it would provide full coverage over the red without having to apply a “gazillion” coats.  I knew there was no way I was going to be “one coat and done,” but I’m all about making a project as quick and easy as possible and tinting the primer was a win-win.

Deciding to do this project on a Kansas fall windy day was probably another one of my not-so-brilliant ideas, but when I get my mind set on something, I do it.  I was constantly picking the blowing leaves out of the wet paint but I was determined.  The gray really provides a more neutral setting for any front porch decor.

The Finished Project

The wind did have a slight advantage in that it sped up the drying process on the paint, so from start to finish was only a couple of hours.  I absolutely love the finished project.  Now your attention is drawn to the decor and not the floor.

Amp Up Your Curb Appeal

Even if you don’t have a big porch, just a few small touches will really amp up your curb appeal.  A small chair instead of a swing, a pot of mums, a plaid throw and a few pumpkins and your neighbors will be saying, “WOW!”  Can’t find a throw that you love?  Try using a tablecloth or a blanket scarf draped over a chair.  I used both in my front porch decor.  While I was shopping at Hobby Lobby, I was drawn to the orange plaid tablecloth below.  I kept coming back to it and decided to add it to the porch swing.  The mixture of plaids is my favorite touch.

An Unexpected Find

This little galvanized house lantern is one of my FAVORITE finds this year.  Actually, credit goes to my daughter.  She found it at her Fort Worth, Texas, Walmart and immediately sent me a picture.  I hopped in my car but without any luck, my local Walmart didn’t carry it.  Luckily, I was going to be in Texas in a matter of days and I staked my claim and brought home two of these cuties.


If you’re looking to add a spooky element to your porch, check out this sign from Oh Sweet Skye.  They have an entire fall collection to choose from.


I have always felt like my front porch is my calling card.  It’s what people see as they drive and walk by.  I got an anonymous letter in the mail a couple of years ago thanking me for making her drive to work so enjoyable.  She loved my front porch decor and looked forward to seeing it as she went into work every morning.  I never learned who sent that letter, but it was a stamp of approval for me and my heart was full.

Enjoy your fall decorating and thanks so much for stopping by.