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Fall DIY Series – Week 4 Buffalo Check Mason Jars

I posted this Buffalo Check Mason Jar photo on my Instagram account today and the response for the tutorial was overwhelming.  You all really humble me.   I love sharing my DIYs with you guys and knowing that you love them, too, makes my heart explode.  You can revisit last week’s DIY tutorial right here.

My love for buffalo check continues with this painted mason jar.


This one is super easy.  Here is all you need to get started:

First Things First

The first thing you need to do is paint the entire jar with your white chalk paint.  I like the coverage that the chalk paint provides which is why I use it for the base instead of acrylic.

The chalk paint dried fairly quickly, so it won’t take long to get started on your second coat.  I applied two coats to get maximum coverage over the glass.

Next, add your lines.  I literally eyeballed this step.  My squares are not a perfect distance apart by any means.  If you want to be really precise, you could tape them off to give you clean, crisp lines but as you know by now, I like a quick and easy DIY and that was just going to take way to long.  If you’re really confident, skip the marking and just paint your stripes.

Start Painting

Start this part by squeezing a good amount of while chalk paint on a paper plate.  Next, squeeze a smaller amount of black right on top of it and mix until you get gray.  You could easily just buy a gray acrylic craft paint and skip this mixing step, but I prefer to mix it.  As you can see from my lines, they are not all straight and that’s okay.  I like to think of myself as the perfect imperfect crafter. (Insert laugh here.)  Wait until it dries and add a second coat of you like.  If not, let’s continue on to the next step.

Once I got this far, I thought the horizontal stripe needed a little more variation so I dipped my brush in a little bit of white paint and while the gray was still wet, I brushed over it to lighten the color just a bit.  Because the gray was still wet, it gave a little dimension mixing the two.  In the end I was happy I did this step.

The Fun Part

Grab your black paint.  Where the gray colors intersect, you are going to paint that square black.  Do this all over the entire jar and this is what makes that adorable buffalo check pattern.  If you’re looking at this photo thinking your 5-year-old could have done a better paint job, you’re probably right.  Like I said, I whipped through this so quick.  I may do it again for Christmas with red paint and do a neater job.  But when it’s all said and done, I’m happy with it.  Don’t forget to spray your mason jar when the paint dries with a clear sealer.  This will ensure that your paint doesn’t chip off.

Pop a stem of faux greens in it and you’ve got a cute little jar that will add character to any vignette.   Remember, you don’t have to use black paint.  Any color will work.  Just mix whatever color you choose with white to paint the horizontal stripes.

Now you can add this popular pattern to any space in your home.  If you try this DIY, be sure and tag me over on Instagram so I can share it.  Thanks so much you guys for stopping by.  That was fun!