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Buffalo Check, You’ve Stolen My Heart

With fall approaching, there’s a season of change coming when it comes to decorating and my beloved buffalo check continues to have a HUGE presence in my house and becomes a never-ending trend for all seasons.  I have always loved this country style pattern, but it has definitely become one of my FAVS to incorporate into my home no matter what time of year.

My Favorite Piece

My favorite piece of furniture that took this pattern to a new level in my home is this settee from At Home Stores.  Believe it or not, it was a total impulse buy.  You know the kind I’m talking about, that drop-everything-immediately-and-drive-an-hour-cause-you-can’t-live-without-it kind of purchase.  I remember walking into the store and making a beeline to the back.  When I saw it sitting there, it was like the Holy Grail of buffalo check.  I swear the heavens opened and rays of sunbeams were shining down on this piece (insert angels singing) and a little voice inside my head was saying, “Buy, Buy, Buy.”  You know the one.  So I quickly jumped into action and staked my claim because there was only one left in the store.  I mean, I literally camped out until a sales person walked by.  Why is it nobody is around when you need them?  I was prepared to wait forever, because this was mine and nobody was going to take it from me.

I successfully purchased the settee and now fast forward an hour and I was finally home.  So, aside from needing a new farm table that I’ve been nagging my husband about for several years now, this settee was going to take my dining room space to a new level.   The minute I got it in the house, it was an “aha” moment.  (Sidenote:  I am easily amused.)

Smaller Statement

If you love buffalo check as much as I do but aren’t ready to commit to a big piece of furniture, try making a smaller statement with a smaller chair.

I found this chair on Amazon and linked it here.

It’s a smaller piece but has a big impact.

Smaller Yet

However, if you’re not sure how big of a statement you want to make, you can go smaller yet by adding a couple of pillows like the ones above.  I have these in my cart to buy as we speak. Even though my home is all about farmhouse decor, this pattern is not just for us country-lovin’ folks.  It will take you straight through every season.  Position them on a couch or chair alone, or try layering them with fall- or Christmas-themed pillows.   Buffalo check is fearless and brings bold decor to any space.

Curtis Creation

While we’re discussing this topic, it just so happens that one of my very favorite online shops, Curtis Creation,  is launching their fall line this week and has listed some awesome buffalo check home decor like this cutting board above.   Check it out here.  What a great adornment to this piece.  You don’t expect to see it on the cutting board and “BAM” there it is.

All The Timmings


These salad tongs with all the trimmings really take the cake…or in this case the salad.  You can find them here and they are  FABULOUS plus FANTASTIC making them FABtastic!  The link for the trays above can be found here.

Give It A Try

There are so many ways to change up your decor for fall and beyond and this post is intended to give you some ideas with a few of my favorite things.  I do, however, encourage you to try adding a little buffalo check into your plan.  If you missed my Christmas post from last year, you can read it here and see how I incorporated this pattern into my Christmas decor, which I will be doing again this year.  Buffalo check is everywhere.  It’s never to late to jump on the bandwagon, no mater how you define your style, because this popular trend doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.